martes, 18 de marzo de 2008


One day, a young woman goes to her priest with some questions.
"Father," she asks, "may I pray while I knit?"
"Of course, my child!" the priest responds. He is delighted that this young woman seems to understand the necessity of constant prayer, the instruction to pray without ceasing.
The young woman, too, is pleased with the conversation thus far, and so she decides to continue.
"So Father," she adds, "may I knit while I pray?"
"Absolutely not!" the priest exclaims.

This story, while obviously taking a light-hearted approach, hints at the deep relationship that many knitters feel between knitting and spirituality or meditation. The physical motions involved in knitting certainly lend themselves to a contemplative or even trance-like state. Knitting is repetitive, especially in its simpler forms. It does, however, take a certain amount of concentration. As a result, the knitter can find part of her mind wandering while the rest stays centered on the movements of her hands, the particulars of her pattern.

Vagabundeando por me encontré este texto, y me recordó a mí misma la semana pasada, intentando hacer unos trámites administrativos en internet. Me desesperé tanto que solté el ratón y me puse a tejer mientras esperaba a que se cargaran las ventanas. Fue taaaaan sumamente relajante que le di al dichoso trámite la importancia que se merecía y me sentí mucho más tranquila. Suelo ser bastante hiperpensante, por lo que tejer me inactiva partes del cerebro que estorban a otras y así pienso mejor

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